Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Working on my inspiration board

Over the past couple weeks some of my favorite bloggers have been doing inspiration boards, and I am on track to start one this weekend. I know that I am running behind but the whole Florida visit has thrown me for a loop. I have a lot on my plate in home life and work life and I really need to get on track with both of them. I feel a board is the way to go this year. I use to have a memory board that I made that hung in my apartment for many years, but once we moved into the house I don't know where is went to. My guess is the trash, truth be told. 

Here is the blog that started me into inspiration boards, I hope that you enjoy Gina The Fitnessista as much as I do! 

I have really been getting back into podcast again, just because I love how much you can learn right in your our home. One of my all time favorite's is Kimberly Wilson The Hip Tranquil Chick, if you want help starting on a path to figure out who you are and really finding yourself I would start here. She has a book also called The Hip Tranquil Chick which I re-read about 2-3 times a year. I read it when I am at a cross roads in life and need help centering myself again. 
She does regular workshops and online chats that I really would like to be a part of, but my crazy schedule just won't let me.  Hope you all find some hope/inspiration for the coming year, or at least two new blogs to follow! 


jennifer @ shesafitchick said...

Can't wait to see yours!! :) Don't worry about "falling behind", first of all I wish I fell behind going to Florida! :) And second of all, it doesn't matter when you do it, it just matter that you choose things that are important to you to focus on in 2011. xoxo! :)

Megan D said...

Inspiration boards are great- I just made one last week actually!